• Crochet Tutorial | How to Crochet: Single, Half Double, Double & Treble Crochet (Video)
    All Posts,  Craft,  Crochet,  Tutorial

    How to Crochet | Single, Half Double, Double & Treble Crochet (Video)

    Last time I’ve introduced to you how to start crochet with Magic Ring, Slip Knot & Chain in Crochet Tutorial | How to Crochet: Magic Circle, Slip Knot & Chain (Video). In this tutorial, I’ll show you some basic techniques that allow you to finish many crochet projects – Single , Half Double, Double and Treble Crochet (U.S. Term)! You can also learn how to control your stitch tension through practicing these techniques. Suggestions to beginners: Use Mid-Weighted Yarn It’s a lot easier to see your stitches and count your chains when you use mid-weighted yarn to practice. Make sure you use a hook of the size that matches your…

  • Crochet Tutorial | How to Crochet: Magic Circle, Slip Knot & Chain (Video)
    All Posts,  Craft,  Crochet,  Tutorial

    Crochet Tutorial | How to Crochet: Magic Circle, Slip Knot & Chain

    Have you always been following pinterest crochet board and interesting instagram crochet account? Maybe it's time for you to start your own crochet project! This step-by-step crochet tutorial will teach you crochet techniques that you must learn from the very beginning of crocheting and you must use in every crochet projects. That will be Magic Ring, Slip Knot & Chain. Don't worry, it's very easy even you are a beginner who starts from zero. There will be step-by-step images and video in How to Crochet: Magic Ring, Slip Knot & Chain | Free Crochet Tutorial for Beginners (Step-by-Step & Video) to explain all these techniques to you!